
Sunday, June 05, 2011

Reading A Woman


Before you can connect to her, you must find out more about her first. You can do this before even talking to her by looking at her physically and reading her body language.
Note things such as:
1) What she’s wearing.
2) How she walks/sits
3) And so on

It is generally a good idea to examine a woman physically first so you have at least a faint idea of what she’s like. if she looks artificial in every way with her heavy makeup, you know she may be cold but insecure deep inside.
Always note all the details so you can verify them when you talk to her later.

By talking to her

As you talk to her, try to get at least some of the following information from her:
1) What she likes and doesn’t like
2) What is her dream/ambition
3) What makes her happy or sad
4) What makes her scared / feel safe
5) What makes her feel good
6) Her childhood

As you talk with her, try to focus on her desires. Remember that human beings all have their own desires
Try to ask her to explain why she likes something...

the BIG secret of handling people

As said by Dale carnegie in his famous book '' how to win friends and influence people''

First of all, this is not only about women..
this is in general about people.. and handling them..!!

here it is

read it once more..!! it means alot.

every one craves to be appreciated..
that means every one has a deep need inside their mind to be appreciated..

this appreciation really means a sincere compliment..!!
every one loves a sincere compliment..
even u and me..

by this it does not mean flattery.. ofcourse.., flattery can get you nowhere..
it can make opposite effect..

but its not flattery i mean.. its a simple sincere compliment..
it should come from heart.. u give it without any need for in return..
its as simple as that..!!

Saturday, June 04, 2011

Understanding Women

In order to become successful with women, you first have to understand how they operate, the things they want, and how their minds works.

Women have two sides to them…

A logical side and an emotional side

Her logical side makes all the decisions but there’s a much stronger side that can completely override it… it’s her emotional side.

Women want you to believe that her logical side is in control but in reality, it’s the other way around, shhh it’s a secret.

Women are emotional creatures.

They enjoy experiencing emotions and they communicate with it. That’s why most women read romance novels and watch soap operas. They are filled with emotions.

Drama is also something that certain women might be addicted to. That’s because there’s emotion involved in it. That’s probably the same reason why make up sex is better than regular sex.

There are tons of emotions that take place prior to it.

And now I’ll reveal to you the Equation for Getting Any Woman You Desire!!
 Here it is..

Logical Connection + Emotional Connection + Sexual Connection + Proper place and time = The Perfect Seduction.

That’s the same reason I believe that “If you can captivate the mind, the heart will follow, and not long after that, the body will too…”

Friday, June 03, 2011

What did i do wrong in facebook?

biggest mistake....

  ACTED LIKE A LOOSER!!! both by words and behaviour.


first of all i had sent friend requests to all i see..

RESULT... i was blocked for a long time...repeatedly...

there was also tym that i stopped using fb becoz of this....

Also pretty girls get atleast 20 freind requests a day...

WTF?? its true.. i had a fake profile wit a photo of a cute girl..

i couldnt believe what i got... and what a girl experieences everyday in fb...

i got 100 friends in a week.. can u believe that..?? and the same messages and wall posts everyday..

so you can imagine what it is to be a girl...

they are overwhelmed by nice guys who are all the same..!!

so my opinion is.....



stop doing what every one else does..!!!
try something different..!!!

But how..???!

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Top 10 Attraction Switches

 As david deangelo says.., ATTRACTION IS NOT A CHOICE!!!

 A woman feels some attraction not only by your looks..
 for them.., it is not lyk us.. i.e. it is not a look-based system..!!!
 it is composed of something else.. they feel attraction when the man they desire have certain qualities..!!or so called attraction switches..!!
 here are a list of some top attractions switches for women..,,

> Willingness to show Good Emotions

> Having Fun

> Having a Deep Voice

> Being Relaxed

> Sharing Commonalities

> Having Goals

> Strong Eye Contact

> Physical and Intellectual Fitness

> Lead

> Pre-Selection

why i use facebook??!!

As some of you have guessed..
i use it for making friends.. new friends...
not actually... i use it to make new GIRLFRIENDS...
and yeah chat buddies...

Facebook is an amazing site that gives you many oppurtunities to make new friends and girlfriends...
but we may not realise those oppurtunities... that was i first like that...
Now i look back..,, what i see is a complete looser..!!!
haha.. not now..
(more on that later...)

what i did wrong..??? and possibly you too...??? nxt tym...

Approach Anxiety????

What is approach anxiety??
its actually the fear of women..!!
we all have it...
even the top puas have it..
but they know how to control it...
we can also..

you can get two bet ebooks for free about approach anxiety and how to remove it... from the below links...!! >>>>>click here and also  here<<<<<
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